In line with our vision of providing world- class education, the Fruitful Ville School offers an enriched, school – developed curriculum. Our curriculum is a rich and unique blend of the best from the British curriculum and the Nigerian curriculum. The curriculum with a wide scope of learning includes subjects not presently included in the Nigerian curriculum and adding to the content and context of existing subjects. We have identified learning outcomes at each stage of development and use up-to-date teaching methodologies, quality textbooks, materials and resources.

Our main pride is the ease with which our children cope and are able to stand out in other schools both within and outside the country. Children are encouraged to pay attention in the class and participate actively in lessons.


The objective of the academic programme is to develop the knowledge and intellectual skills required for success.


  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Sciences
  • ICT
  • Physical / health education
  • Vocational aptitude
  • Creative and cultural arts
  • French
  • Yoruba
  • Handwriting
  • Christian religious knowledge
  • Chess
  • Diction
  • Social studies
  • Hand writing
  • Reasoning skills


Parents are to assist their children where necessary and thereafter sign off in the communication book before taking it back to school for submission. Homework defaulters and tardy presentation are penalized as deemed appropriate by the Head of School.


Assessment goes on all through each term in form of Directors test, fortnight test and welcome test. This make up part of the term’s total mark at the end of each term‘s examination. The termly project is also an integral part of the assessment.

Fruitful Ville Montessori School, Ikorodu.

The School for the child you Love